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Why Is My Skin Getting Darker? Skin Darkening Causes & Skin Lightening Solutions
Why Is My Skin Getting Darker? Skin Darkening Causes & Skin Lightening Solutions


Apr 18, 2024

Published By:

Este Medical Group

Why Is My Face Getting Darker? 

Hyperpigmentation, including melasma (i.e., a type of hyperpigmentation), can manifest on your skin in the form of dark patches or freckle-like spots, often on your cheeks, upper lip, forehead, neck, chest, and arms. 

The darkening of certain areas of the skin can occur at any age and are often caused by sun exposure, inflammation, hormonal changes, or ageing. 

When exposed to the sun's damaging UV rays, the skin produces excess melanin, resulting in darker patches or sunspots. Inflammation caused by acne or skin conditions can also trigger melanin production, leading to hyperpigmentation. Hormone fluctuations, such as those experienced during pregnancy or menopause, can increase melanin and cause uneven skin tone (e.g., pregnancy mask).

As we get older, our skin's ability to regulate melanin in the body diminishes, leading to increased hyperpigmentation. Understanding why our skin goes through these changes can help both women and men find the best pigmentation treatments and most effective skin brightening agents to keep the complexion glowing and even-toned!

Book a free Este Medical skin consultation to arrange the best skin brightening treatment to diminish the look of your body or face pigmentation. 

Myths About Skin Darkening

Skin darkening is often misunderstood, with myths suggesting it's solely caused by the sun and only affects lighter skin tones. However, hormone changes and skin inflammation can also contribute, affecting people of all skin tones

The most common myth about skin tone is that skin darkening is irreversible. Fortunately, proven and effective treatments like brightening peels and laser therapy offer a safe solution for men and women seeking to restore and brighten their complexion.

Common Causes of Skin Darkening

  • Sun Exposure Effects: UV rays trigger melanin production in the skin, leading to skin darkening and the formation of age spots, sunspots and/or hyperpigmentation. Este skincare experts strongly recommend daily sun protection measures to prevent skin pigmentation, like wearing a sun hat, covering your shoulders in the sun, and wearing a daily sunscreen such as Este Plus Supreme SPF 50+ cream

Why is my face getting darker without sun?

  • Hormonal Changes and Skin Darkening: Hormonal fluctuations, such as those experienced during pregnancy or with hormonal therapies, can increase melanin production, resulting in skin darkening.
  • Skin Conditions: Issues like melasma, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, and certain medications (e.g., psychotropic, tetracyclines…) can disrupt melanin in the body, leading to skin darkening. 
  • Lifestyle Habits and Skin Health: Bad habits like smoking, consuming a poor diet, and not bothering with a skincare routine might trigger skin darkening by contributing to factors like inflammation and oxidative skin stress.

If you are concerned about any of these skin darkening causes, then arrange for a free UK skin pigmentation consultation at Este Medical Group. Let us help you glow-up your skin! 

Solutions and Treatment Options To Brighten Your Complexion & Skin Tone

When it comes to maintaining a radiant complexion, skin darkening prevention, combined with a regular skincare routine and healthy lifestyle habits, are essential for vibrant, glowing skin.

Choose Este Medical For Safe Skin Lightening Treatments 

As you start your journey to address your skin darkening and achieve a brighter complexion, trust Este Medical for safe and effective skin lightening treatments

With a commitment to safety and expertise, Este Medical Group offers customised UK pigmentation skin treatments, including our popular cosmelan peel and laser skin resurfacing therapy, to correct hyperpigmentation and restore skin clarity. 

Our team of experienced professionals will work closely with you to develop a personalised treatment plan, ensuring optimal results while prioritising your skin's health and your wellbeing. 

Trust us to bring out your best skin! Schedule your free Este skin consultation today!

Last Updated:

April 18, 2024

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