What conditions can it treat?
Body contouring procedures may include:

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Our Results
At Este Medical Group, we believe our work speaks for itself. Take a look over what we have done for our clients and see what we can do for you.
VelaShape III can achieve end point temperature in less time, with up to 150 watts of radiofrequency (RF) power. That reduces the time needed for treatment. So, you can be in for treatment, and getting on with the day, no matter what!
VelaShape III procedure is comfortable like hot stone massage.
We can talk through your concerns when you book in for your consultation, but if you are looking to address skin issues such as wrinkles, you will be ideal for this procedure. All skin types are suitable.
We can talk through your concerns when you book in for your consultation, but if you are looking to address skin issues such as wrinkles, you will be ideal for this procedure. All skin types are suitable.
You’ll need multiple treatments—usually three to six sessions, spaced a week or so apart—to see results. Book in you consultation today to speak to one of our specialists.