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How to Choose the Best Treatment Clinic
How to Choose the Best Treatment Clinic


Jan 28, 2022

Published By:

Este Medical Group

If you’ve decided to treat yourself to a non-surgical aesthetic treatment such as Botox, laser hair removal, or a chemical peel, it’s wise to take some time to investigate the clinics you might be considering using.

After all, when you’re about to spend a decent wad of cash on your appearance, you’ll want to make sure you’re in the best hands possible when you’re looking at how to choose a non surgical clinic.

10 Things to Know before Choosing an Aesthetic Clinic

Word of mouth

Has someone you know recommended a non surgical clinic to you? Do you trust their judgement? Are they walking proof of great results? Great! Word of mouth from a friend, loved one or trusted colleague is one of the best ways to pick your clinic.

Read the reviews

When you’re Googling your way through copious clinics all with seemingly outstanding credentials, take some time to dig a little deeper.

By all means, read the reviews on the clinic’s own website, but if you can, go it alone into the big wide world of the internet and check trusted reviews sites such as Trustpilot.

This way you’ll be able to read the reviews that the clinic hasn’t filtered for use on their website. Social media channels are a good source of info too.

Choose the best cosmetic clinic
Este Medical Group in Leeds


Whilst on your quest on how to choose a Botox clinic it’s an absolute must that you find out what qualifications your aesthetic treatment specialist has. Because, let’s face it, trout pouts are really way too 2010.


Qualifications are all well and good but how much actual experience does your aesthetician have? Years, months, or (let’s hope not) weeks?

Is there any aftercare?

Great clinics deliver great service from start to finish. They don’t just deliver the treatment you asked for and shove you out of the door. They’ll take time to make sure everything goes to plan and when you do leave the clinic, they should follow up with your afterwards too.

Aftercare is a really important part of the process and one that’s going to make you feel like you’re in safe and capable hands.


Treatment costs can vary dramatically from clinic to clinic.

If you can’t afford the prices of the top clinic, make sure you’re not plumping for the clinic with prices that seem way too low either.

You should also take some time to do a little price comparison research on your quest for how to choose a laser hair removal clinic or Botox, or weight loss clinic.


As Phil and Kirstie will tell you, it’s all about the location. A clinic in a dodgy part of town certainly isn’t going to fill you with confidence.

A clinic on a nice, well-kept street in a central location is where you should be looking for skin specialists and treatments that you can trust.


Check out the before and after photos on the clinic’s website and make sure the results are the kind of thing you’re after.

This also applies if you’re thinking about what to consider when choosing a weight loss clinic as before and after pics here will give you a great idea about the results you could achieve.

Do they listen?

This is so important! When you go in for your initial consultation, do the staff take the time to listen to what you want? Do they go over everything and spend time ensuring they understand exactly what results you want to achieve?

If you feel rushed, hurried, ignored in any way, take a step back and rethink your decision.

Go with your gut

You know that feeling deep down within that makes you feel like something isn’t quite right? That’s your gut feeling and it’s one you really need to listen to.

If it pipes up with a warning sound, just take note of it, maybe reschedule your appointment to give yourself some time to think things over. But whatever you do, don’t ignore it – your gut feeling is wise, hear it out.

How to Choose a Surgical or Non Surgical Clinic

Lastly, if you’re wondering how to choose a hair transplant clinic in Turkey or a cosmetic dentistry clinic in Turkey for example, it may feel like a slightly harder task. However, the principles are all the same.

Do you know someone who’s travelled abroad for surgery? If so, talk to them – find out how they found the experience.

Again, do your online research, read reviews, check testimonies, and see how long clinics have been running for.

What’s more, if you can, take a friend or partner with you when you go for treatment – they'll be another valued pair of eyes to check everything’s as it should be.

Good luck and get investigating!

Performing all this detective work on aesthetic clinics can feel like a job in itself at times. However, we’re pretty certain you’ll feel a whole load happier with perfect fillers, or an impeccable non-surgical nose job, than you would with botched Botox.

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