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Cosmetic Dentistry Glasgow- What is cosmetic dentistry? Why do it?
Cosmetic dentistry Glasgow


Jul 27, 2022

Published By:

Este Medical Group

Cosmetic dentistry is about beauty. This is not an impressionistic or abstract concept like Picasso or Monet. The importance and concept of beauty were described. Beauty was about harmony, balance and symmetry. The shapes were rectangular, square, circular, or pyramidal. The golden rectangle was also available. Math is beautiful because it includes harmony, balance, and symmetry. All of it fit together. It was all aligned. With the rise of aesthetics in the mid-eighteenth century, the nature of beauty became an increasingly crucial intellectual question. Beauty was the special domain of aesthetics, and art is its most important subject.

This is a brief history lesson about cosmetic dentistry. The Dental Association doesn't offer a board speciality or certification, but dentists learn cosmetic dentistry skills through years of training. Cosmetic dentistry is an art form. Cosmetic dentistry is any dental work that enhances the appearance, but not necessarily the functionality, of teeth, gums, and bite. Cosmetic dentistry focuses primarily on the smile's aesthetics, including colour, shape, size and alignment.

Two dental specialities primarily focus on dental aesthetics, Orthodontics and Prosthodontics.  Periodontics, the plastic surgeon of dentistry, can be included.

What is cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry can include:

  • The addition of dental material to teeth and gums: bonding, porcelain veneers/laminates, crowns (caps), gum grafts.
  • Gingivectomy is the surgical removal of gum tissue or tooth structure.
  • Orthodontics is a treatment that straightens teeth and improves the appearance of the face.

The principles of harmony and symmetry are the foundations of cosmetic dentistry. Brightening your teeth and removing stains (cigarettes, coffee) is something that most people want. Everybody wants to be proud of their smile. However, many people do not due to self-consciousness because of gaps, yellowing teeth, uneven gums or missing teeth. These issues could be fixed with cosmetic dentistry.

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Many believe that beautiful people tend to be more intelligent and trustworthy. According to some studies, more attractive people are more likely to be employed and earn a higher salary. Many people seek ways to improve their smiles. Cosmetic dentistry is all about lines (symmetry), the same colour, same heights (harmony). Although most cosmetic procedures are not considered essential, some treatments can provide benefits that restore the patient's health. Most insurance will cover medically necessary procedures. Most elective cases will not be covered by insurance.


Composite bonding is the process of repairing damaged, decayed or discoloured teeth with material that matches the colour of the tooth enamel. The dentist will drill out the decay, apply the composite to the tooth's surface, and "sculpt" it using a high-intensity lamp. Composite bonding, also known as bonding, effectively repairs tooth damage and restores the original appearance. Bonding can often improve the appearance of the original tooth. Bonding is a cost-effective cosmetic procedure for patients with decay, cracked or chipped teeth.


Dental veneers are usually made from medical-grade ceramic and created individually for each patient to look like their natural teeth. Veneers and real teeth are often indistinguishable. Dentists can also use veneers to correct cosmetic issues such as crooked or cracked teeth, unsightly gaps between teeth, and damaged enamel.


Teeth whitening is one of cosmetic dentistry's most common and accessible forms. Dentists often recommend teeth whitening when teeth are stained or worn from certain foods, beverages, medications, and personal habits, such as tobacco use. After your dentist has checked for any plaque, tartar or other debris, professional teeth whitening or bleaching can be done in the dentist's office. Properly applied bleach can lighten teeth to shades even lighter than the original. You can buy teeth whitening products at the drugstore, but it is best to have it professionally done in your dentist's chair.


Implants replace missing teeth due to an accident, extraction, or another dental issue. The dentist will place a small titanium screw in the area where the missing tooth was. After bonding to the bone, the screw becomes a support for a crown. Implants fit perfectly with the surrounding natural teeth once the crown has been placed on the screw. Implants are permanently fixed because of the bone and supporting tissues of the jaw fuse with the implant. Patients must be cautious with their hygiene during screw placement. You must ensure that food debris and plaque do not accumulate around the implant. When considering cosmetic dentistry, finding a dental office with the right expertise, training, and specialists to achieve what you want is essential. A team approach (Periodontics, Prosthodontics, and attached dental lab) is the best way to achieve the desired look for many people.

Cosmetic dentistry in Glasgow offers all of these services in one office. Este Medical can help you create a beautiful smile. Your smile could be the key to a new job, a closer relationship, or a boost in your self-esteem. Your smile should be a light source of happiness. What can we do to help you? Book your consultation today!

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