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Bye-Bye Eczema! Anja & Omraj’s Successful LED Skincare Treatment
Before and after Eczema treatment


Feb 21, 2023

Published By:

Este Medical Group

Major results for Anja and Omraj after Este LED light therapy — good riddance to troubling eczema!

Find out how they improved their skin condition through phototherapy.

No person should have to suffer with itchy, sore, cracked skin. Eczema sufferers often feel like there is no solution to the constant flare-ups that burn and itch, and at worst, become infected.

Not only does eczema feel awful, it can have a negative effect on your self-esteem and appearance, especially if dry skin and rash is visible on your face, neck, arms or hands.    

Here’s How Anja and Omraj Effectively Treated Their Eczema 

For starters, they reached out to Este Medical Group in Birmingham for professional help. In both cases, Dermalux™ LED phototherapy treatments were recommended.

For Anja her eczema issue was concentrated on the back of her neck; it had caused the skin in this area to darken dramatically. The skin on her neck looked older, dry and wrinkled. 

Anja Before and After

Anja’s atopic eczema was relieved by non-invasive Dermalux™ LED phototherapy. You can see in the before-and-after photos how much lighter Anja’s eczema patch is now.

Post-treatment her skin looks younger again, the texture has improved, and she now has the option to wear a top-knot hairstyle again, without people looking at her neck and asking embarrassing questions.

UV light therapy is an effective treatment for moderate to severe eczema. LED phototherapy can help you achieve a more even skin tone.

For Omraj his eczema was visible right on his face, on his forehead. As a result, the skin had darkened and the texture didn’t match up with other parts of his complexion.

This darker patch of eczema was hard to conceal, as it was in plain view.

Omraj Before and After

Omraj made the commitment to LED phototherapy treatments in Birmingham at our Este Medical Group clinic. After 10 light therapy sessions Omraj’s skin looks amazing again. In the treatment area the skin tone and texture has dramatically improved. 

Este Medical’s LED treatment for eczema is pain-free. It may take several sessions to successfully treat your eczema, but the visible long-term results are worth it, plus a reduction in eczema symptoms like severe itching and inflammation.

Find an Este clinic near you and make a start dealing with your eczema once and for all.    

Send us a message through our website to book a skincare consultation for eczema today!

Last Updated:

February 21, 2023

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