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Best Skincare Tips for Winter
Best Skincare Tips During the Winter Months


Oct 18, 2021

Published By:

Este Medical Group

If you ever feel like your skin is constantly at battle with the weather, you’re not alone. A great winter skincare regime is something we all want to get right, but more often than not it can feel like an impossible task. However, with advances in skincare and beauty technology, help is at hand! Whether you’re looking for a winter skincare routine for acne prone skin, or you need a pick-me-up to deal with sensitive skin in winter, we’ve pulled together all the skincare wonders that will help you feel like you’re winning the battle. This winter, don’t let your skin bring you down, get out there and let it glow.

The Worst Winter Skin Offenders

When the seasons change and our environment gets colder, our skin can really feel the worst of it. Harsh winds, cold temperatures, and lashing rain all take their toll on our skin. But it’s not just nature that’s to blame – central heating doesn’t help with winter skincare for sensitive skin either. So, to help you navigate your skin’s journey through the colder months, we’ll be looking at tips and treatments that cover the worst winter skin offenders. They are:

  • Dull Skin
  • Dry Skin
  • Acne-prone Skin

Tackling Dull Skin in Winter

It’s often not just our skin that loses a little radiance when the colder months roll in. When it’s dark and dreary outside, it can be easy to feel a little less than exuberant inside. But it needn’t be this way! Quick winter skincare pick-me-ups are a great way to kick those sluggish feelings aside and help you feel better about yourself. A few easy tips for dealing with Dull Skin include:

  • Antioxidant Serums - look for ones packed with Vitamin C, and with zero alcohol. If it’s got an added SPF that’s a great bonus too
  • Avoid products with clay – they’re extremely drying
  • Treat yourself to a radiance-boosting facial like our super-popular HydraFacial
  • Try Microneedling – this quick, and virtually painless procedure is great at boosting collagen and elastin to give your skin a youthful glow

Skincare Routine for Dry Skin in Winter

Want to avoid feeling like a snake that’s shed its own skin? It’s time to get a little serious with your skincare - and a few extra factors too. You’ve heard it before, you’ll hear it again, but there’s no avoiding the fact that drinking water is seriously beneficial to making sure your skin stays hydrated. So, ditch that glass of wine and go all in with the H2O instead.  

Invest in a decent face cream. It needs to be rich (light moisturisers just don’t cut it during the colder months) and ideally feature a decent dose of hyaluronic acid. Apply both morning and night for maximum benefits.  

Don’t shirk on exfoliation. You might think it’s the last thing you should be doing to your skin – but it’s not. Exfoliating can help remove the dead surface skin layers that can dull the appearance of your skin. For an extra helping hand, a mesotherapy treatment could really deliver the nutrients your skin is craving. Each mesotherapy treatment is tailored to your skin so you’ll always get exactly what your skin is crying out for.

Winter Skincare Routine for Acne Prone Skin

It’s a common misconception that if you have skin that’s prone to flare ups, you should steer clear of moisturising products. However, this simply isn’t the case. All skin needs moisture. Without it, even skin that’s labelled as ‘oily’ will become dry – whether it looks it or not. This, in turn, can actually aggravate acne, as layers of dead skin and sebum combine to block pores. So, winter skincare for oily skin should still certainly include moisturisers. Just make sure you look out for products that are labelled ‘non-comedogenic’ as this means they won’t block your pores.

If you’re wondering how to transition your skincare routine from autumn to winter, one of the best skin boosting treatments out there is the HydraFacial. This non-invasive treatment is an excellent all-rounder and can be used for multiple winter skincare complaints. Dullness, dryness, acne, wrinkles – they’re all dealt with during a HydraFacial treatment. As well as the HydraFacial, another treatment that can tackle acne is LED Phototherapy. This nifty, non-invasive procedure kills acne-causing bacteria, so your skin has a chance to heal. It can be a great way of breaking that break-out cycle and giving your skin some breathing space.

It’s What’s on the Inside that Counts

If you’re still looking for that little something extra that will help see your skin looking gorgeous through to spring, IV drips could be the answer. At Este Medical, we offer a number of different intravenous vitamin drips to help target specific concerns – and skin is one of them. It can be hard to get all the nutrients we need through our diet, so if yours could do with a little helping hand, IV drips throughout the winter months could be the booster your skin needs. After all, if you’re feeling good on the inside, it always shows on the outside.

Sadly, there can be no hiding from winter itself. But now you’re armed with the best winter skincare knowledge, we know you’ll be facing these colder months with a complexion that’s glowing brighter than it ever has.

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