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5 Ways a Skin-Care Routine Benefits Mental Health
5 Ways a Skin-Care Routine Benefits Mental Health


Oct 10, 2023

Published By:

Este Medical Group

With it being World Mental Health Day, it’s the perfect opportunity to talk about the emotional benefits of skincare and how a self-care routine can enhance both physical and mental wellbeing.

You might be surprised to find out that your physical wellbeing has a direct impact on your mental and emotional health. For example, if you are suffering from physical hair loss this can have a negative impact on your self-confidence; just as having visibly acne-prone skin can lower self-esteem. 

When you address the underlying causes of a physical condition like acne or skin pigmentation for example, and correct damage and restore skin health, this naturally has a positive effect on your mental and emotional wellbeing.    

In acknowledgement of the importance of World Mental Health Day, our Este team has gathered together the ways a skincare routine can benefit mental health and boost your self-esteem.

Discover the importance of nurturing skin and mental health self-care with our Este Medical skincare as self-care tips and advice! 

5 Ways a Skin-Care Routine Benefits Mental Health

Having a mindful skincare routine can positively impact your mental health! Here’s how:

  1. Encourages self-care
  2. Strengthens self-worth
  3. Reduces daily stress
  4. Provides stability 
  5. Opportunity for reflection

 A daily skincare routine helps the brain to pause and take a break from unhealthy and sometimes spiralling thinking patterns.  

Self-Esteem And Skincare: How A Skincare Routine Can Boost Self-Esteem 

A regular skincare routine has a positive impact on your mental wellbeing. By making skin cleansing, toning, exfoliation, moisturising and sun protection part of your daily and nightly routine, it acts as a reminder to take care of yourself. A body care and skincare routine is fundamental to overall health. 

Skincare habits like skin brushing, face masks, exfoliation, and lymphatic drainage, as well as facial treatments like LED light therapy, microneedling, and radiofrequency are all therapeutic skincare practices that promote skin health and mental wellbeing.

Taking time for these daily habits and special cosmetic treatments afford you the time to take a break from the grind of daily life and treat yourself to some relaxing ‘me time’ and self-love! 

When your skin is glowing, smooth to the touch, and free of blemishes you feel better about yourself, your self-confidence is in a good shape! Having healthy self-care habits help to boost your happy emotions and body confidence.

Why is routine good for mental health?

Routines based on self-love are good for you emotionally and mentally because they provide stability and control. Routines give our day a useful structure which helps us to better manage our mental health and wellbeing. Having a regular routine that focuses on body health and emotional health helps to safeguard time for things that we value and enjoy.

For example, having once a month HydraFacials signal to yourself that relaxation time is important, taking care of your skin is important, and the results of having a monthly facial has a positive effect on your self-esteem, as your skin will maintain a radiant, healthy glow from month to month. 

If you would like to have a professional skin assessment with Este Medical to customise a unique skincare treatment plan, then send us a message to book an appointment at one of our UK clinics. 

Skincare For Mental Health: Ways To Destress And Relax 

Self-care and skincare go hand-in-hand; a skin-care routine for stress relief is intentional, and takes the form of a deliberate action like booking an acne peel, taking a bubble bath, or having a cuppa while doing a hydrating face mask and listening to your favourite true crime podcast.   

By making your skincare an intentional and special activity, you are already having a positive impact on your physical, mental, and emotional health. Self-care has numerous benefits including: 

  • Relaxation 
  • Lowering stress hormones
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Eliminate depression
  • Recover from setbacks
  • Increase happiness 

Including Relaxing Self-Care To A Wellness Routine 

Here are several self-care rituals for skin and mind that you should consider including into your regular body and skincare routines.

Making your self-care routine more relaxing will help to release your body’s natural happy hormones, which will combat stress and give you more positive feelings (i.e., oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin, endorphins). 

  • Deep nasal breathing
  • Keep a wellness journal 
  • Take a ‘mental health day’ once a month
  • Positive visualisation 
  • Mindful meditation
  • Rhythmic movement 
  • Self-massage or skin brushing 
  • Pop on a soothing face mask
  • Lymphatic drainage 
  • Try face yoga

Here’s an example of a self-care skincare ritual: 

  1. Wash your face with a gentle cleanser and listen to uplifting music
  2. Pause to massage your face gently, try face yoga to stimulate lymphatic drainage
  3. Apply a toner and visualise clean, acne-free skin 
  4. Dab on a clarifying or anti-ageing skin serum and breathe deeply through your nose
  5. Apply eye cream use a gentle rhythmic tapping motion 
  6. Put on your face and neck moisturiser and repeat a positive affirmation for a successful work day, or bedtime mantra 

We recommend you try different things until you find a skincare routine that suits your lifestyle and interests. You’ll find what works if you give it a try! 

Skin confidence and mental health: having self-care rituals for skin and mind will help you to enjoy a better quality of life.

Contact Este Medical to discuss how we can help you reach your skincare goals and get you started with a skincare routine that will make your complexion bright and beautiful. 

What Are Nurturing Self-Care Habits? 

Most important is prioritising self-care as part of your mental health strategy. Even something as simple as having a routine face mask while watching your favourite reality TV program once per week can be thought of as a therapeutic self-care activity or habit. 

Here are simple self-care practices that can be incorporated into your daily life:

  • Make social plans with supportive family and friends
  • Stay connected with far away friends 
  • Practice work-life balance
  • Set attainable goals and priorities 
  • Practice gratitude, keep a gratitude journal 
  • Plan a vacation
  • Focus on positive thinking, reframe bad thoughts
  • Get 30 minutes of exercise per day, even if just a walk
  • Eat healthy, regular meals and stay well hydrated
  • Avoid heavy drinking and smoking 
  • Get regular sleep and take rest breaks when feeling stress
  • Keep your body refreshed with regular day spa and wellness treatments
  • Have rejuvenating skincare and body treatments on a regular basis

Make Este Medical Skincare Treatments Part of Your Self-Care 

At Este Medical, we have numerous skincare and body treatments that focus on health and wellness, skin repair and rejuvenation. We know from experience that prioritising body and skincare treatments like regular facials, body contouring, and non-surgical hair loss treatments have a positive effect on our clients’ mental health. 

It’s true, prioritising skincare for self-esteem boost works, and we have hundreds and hundreds of client reviews that tell us medical and cosmetic skincare treatments make people feel happier and more in control, improve self-confidence, and change lives for the better.

Take a look at our Este Medical 5-star client reviews on Trustpilot and get excited about booking a skincare appointment at an Este Medical clinic near you!

Last Updated:

October 10, 2023

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